
Swiss EU participations and Means in Horizon Europe (2021-2024), Oct. 2023

Preis: CHF 320.00
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2 ½ years after the start of Horizon Europe (H-E) it was for the first time possible to access the Swiss participations via CORDIS and about 75% of the means via ARAMIS. Switzerland's continuing third country status made it more difficult to access the means. However, based so far on 1’250 Swiss participations from almost 380 different organisations in 863 EU projects of H-E first trends and comparisons with the former H2020 programme can be derived. Around 450 mCHF or m€ has so far been invested as public funding by Switzerland or the EU in around 950 Swiss participations.

Surprisingly, the winners so far are the Universities of Applied Sciences, NPOs, Government agencies, Institutes and scientific start-ups as well as administrative project coordinators. The losers are the academic Universities, which suffer particularly from the Swiss third country status, and once again large companies.

The PDF version includes a summary of 13 pages  and the list of participation and means for each of the 380 participants (24 pages).

The Excel version includes in addition the basic 1’250 records (27+70 pages), which are necessary to allow for future updates

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